Why Local Expertise at Tradeshows is Key: 3 Tips for European Tradeshows

Last updated: 22 October 2024

Attending or exhibiting at local trade shows is essential for reaching new B2B clients and partners in Europe. Without having extensive knowledge of the local European market, you might struggle with properly conveying your company’s offerings and value, not to mention the many different languages you will be faced with on the tradeshow floor.  

A local team with expertise and deep knowledge of the major EU trade shows gives you a strategic advantage in entering the market effectively and without wasted time, costs and energy. This blog will give you 3 trips when attending a tradeshow. 


TIP 1: Booth design


When preparing for a European tradeshow, it's important to be aware that booth design can be quite different from what you might be used to at American events. European tradeshows follow their own style and standards, which can influence how successful your booth will be. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

  • In the US, booths are usually modular, made to be set up and reused for different events. Meanwhile, in Europe, booths are often custom-made for each show, which makes them stand out more but also means they are not meant to be reused.

  • European booths typically feature a raised platform that not only lifts the booth physically but also helps it stand out from its surroundings. These booths often use high-quality flooring materials that mimic natural textures or unique colors and shiny effects. Additionally they are often using lighting along the bottom in the company’s colors.

  • The differences in booth design are not the only thing that sets European booths apart from North American ones, the sizes also vary. In Europe, booth sizes are often measured in increments of 3 meters by 3 meters or by square feet, which are different from the measurements used by North American companies. Because of these differences, the booth sizes often do not match up exactly. This can be a problem if you already have a prebuilt design.


Trade show


TIP 2: Targeting the right European audience


It's crucial that you know your target audience before the show. If you know who you want to reach, you can increase your chances of more interactions, leads and sales. But how can you effectively target the right audience in Europe? Here are some steps to help you identify your target audience:


Segment your market

Segmentation is a helpful tool in this process. It is recommended to divide your market according to various criteria, e.g. demographic (age, gender), geographic (location), psychographic (lifestyle, values) and behavioural (buying habits).


Analyze your target audience

Start by collecting data about your target audience. Understand their behavior, interests and preferences. This analysis will give you a more accurate picture of your target audience.


Recognize cultural differences

Keep in mind that your target audience in Europe may be different from your audience in North America. Even if they have similar interests, their behaviours may differ significantly due to cultural differences. For example, people in Spain have a different mentality and lifestyle than people in Sweden. A one-size-fits-all solution will not work in Europe.


EU Team meeting


TIP 3: Advertising and Promotional Material 


Banners and Booth graphics

When creating banners and booth graphics for European tradeshows, it’s important to use localized messaging. For example, including simple greetings in the local language can make your booth feel more welcoming and inviting.

Make sure to clearly highlight your key benefits. Many Europeans prefer reading bullet points because it is quicker and easier to understand.

Lastly, use visuals that match the interests of the local audience. For instance, in Northern Europe, people care a lot about sustainability. If your company has any certifications or proof of eco-friendly practices, display them to show your commitment to these values.


Brochures and Flyers

When creating brochures and flyers for trade shows, it's important to use different languages to suit your audience. Many attendees prefer to read materials in their own language, so translations can make a big difference. If your budget is limited, consider adding a QR code to your flyers. This allows interested visitors to scan the code and access the flyer in their preferred language.

Including testimonials or case studies in your brochures can also be very effective. These elements show that your company has a strong presence in the market and can build trust with your target audience.


Local Relevance

When considering the local relevance of your marketing materials, it is important that you adapt your colors. Different colors and symbols can have different meanings in Europe. In Germany, for example, the color green is closely associated with environmental friendliness, while blue symbolizes trust and reliability in France. Therefore, make sure that your images and colors match the message you want to convey.

Furthermore pay attention to the layout of your flyers and posters, as design preferences may differ from those in the US. Adapting to the local design can help your materials resonate better with your target audience.



As we know expanding to Europe is not as easy as simply translating your materials to German or French, it takes a degree of local expertise to ensure that the marketing message is properly and convincingly conveyed to your European target demographic.

You want to know more? Explore our Digital Marketing services and we will make sure that the next European tradeshow will be successful. 


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