European Medical Device sector


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medical devices market Europe

Market Access


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Gaining market access in Europe requires a deep understanding of distribution channels, reimbursement models, and tendering processes.

Unlike the US, Europe has a mix of public and private healthcare systems, which influences reimbursement strategies.

Additionally, the prevalence of group purchasing organizations and tendering processes can create unique challenges and opportunities.

By building strong partnerships with healthcare professionals, pharma & biotech end users, local distributors and mastering the intricacies of reimbursement, North American companies can increase their market penetration.

Our Partners

Story from our Partner

  • Case Study: Expansion for Biotechnology Research Company

    They realized the potential the European market had to offer, so they partnered with EuroDev, who rallied a team to target this potential.
    Read our case study

Market Value

The European medical devices market is looking at a steady growth from 2021, which is forecasted to continue until 2027.

CAGR for 2027 is projected to be 5.8 %.

Medical-devices-market-value-in-europe-2021-2027 EuroDev

Is there a Demand for North American Medical device companies in EU?


We see a lot of imports from North American companies for the European medical device industry.

It is a well known fact that the big players from North America such as Medtronic, Abbott, Johnson & Johnson have an established base in EU, but they are not the only ones.


Advanced Technologies: 
There is a demand in Europe for the innovative imaging technologies and advanced surgical devices that are developed in North America.

Strategic Collaboration: Partnering with European companies that have connections in the local market, are experts on European regulations and know how to distribute your products through the right network can help you grow in Europe. 

Expand Your Market: Contact Us Today

Harinya Yadav has been active in the medical device industry for over 7 years, with a focus on sales. She is specialised in endoscopy devices and capital equipment.

With her experience in international business she can support your expansion in the European Medical Device market. She does not do this alone, we have a team ready to support your growth plans!

Harinya VP Healthcare

Harinya Yadav


Vice President of Healthcare