Recruitment in Europe: DriSteem Success Story
DriSteem, experts in designing and manufacturing unique humidification systems in commercial, health care, industrial, and process-critical applications for more than 50 years. They brought EuroDev onboard in mid-2021 to help them with Recruitment process in Europe.

The Challenge
- Finding a dual-lingual Applications Engineer with extensive experience in HVAC and ventilation systems for the EMEA region
- Sourcing a high quality candidate considering shifting of European labour market
- Providing expert market knowledge

The Recruitment Process
EuroDev's 3-Staged Approach
1. Kick-off & Screening
A kick-off call with DriSteem was held to discuss their ideal candidate profile. For the client, the ideal candidate needed a strong technical background, fluency in English and German, and relevant industry experience.A hybrid approach of passive and active recruitment was used to establish a talent pool of about 120 candidates, who were then screened and then interviewed .
2. Interviews
The second round of interviews involved the direct supervisor and multiple hiring team members, each focusing on different aspects of the job to ensure a thorough evaluation.
For DriSteem, the third round required candidates to present a 30-60-90-day plan to the client's president, allowing for in-depth discussion of strategy and role expectations.
3. Closing
Finalizing calls were held with the client to discuss the next steps, including background and reference checks for the top candidates.
EuroDev also selected a backup candidate in case the top choice declined. EuroDev and DriSteem then collaboratively onboarded the new hire to ensure a smooth integration and clear understanding of role expectations.
Timeline: In just 8 weeks, DriSteem identified and hired a key team member for their European expansion.
Immediate Impact: The successful recruitment led to the hiring of a second European employee.
EuroDev Support:
- Completed business and social security registrations.
- Drafted employment contracts compliant with local laws.
- Arranged payroll benefits.
- Provided general HR advisory services.